Lifx Clean – A New Antibacterial Smart Light Costing $70

Lifx Clean – A New Antibacterial Smart Light Costing $70

Keeping your home hygienic is important for safeguarding the health of your family. Wiping and cleaning can get rid of bacteria and other microorganisms. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to disinfect every surface of your home. LIFX Clean is an antibacterial smart light that is designed to kill bacteria and keep your home hygienic. 

What is LIFX Clean Antibacterial Smart Light?

LIFX Clean is a smart light bulb that disinfects your home. On the outside, it is a standard smart light that you install in a fixture. You can change the colors and adjust the brightness as required using the LIFX app or voice commands (supports Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple HomeKit). However, LIFX Clean antibacterial smart light features a High Energy Visible (HEV) mode. The flat-topped germicidal smart bulb has auxiliary LEDs that can emit light of additional wavelengths known as High Energy Visible Light. They (HEV diodes) can be turned on or off independently of the regular light spectrum diodes in the LIFX Clean smart light bulb that disinfects your home.

High Energy Visible Light refers to the light wavelengths ranging from 400 to 450nm in the visible spectrum (400 to 700nm). It is also known as the Violet/Blue band and is characterized by its high-frequency and high-energy properties. The naked human eye identifies this light as blue. Research has proven this light to possess antibacterial characteristics. Therefore, it is ideal for a smart light bulb that disinfects your home. Traditionally, UV-C light (100 to 280nm) is employed in antibacterial smart lights for disinfecting surfaces. However, long term exposure to UV-C light is hazardous to humans and animals. It is more suitable for commercial applications. HEV light may prove to be a viable alternative for germicidal smart bulbs as it is safe for humans, pets, and plants. There is no need to wear protective gear in HEV light. 

Is LIFX Clean Effective?

LIFX Clean antibacterial smart light can produce HEV light in addition to the regular white and colored light of the visible spectrum. In the normal mode, it is a standard smart bulb employed for illumination. In the HEV mode, the LIFX Clean germicidal smart bulb emits 405nm HEV light. Its efficacy has been successfully tested against E.coli and staphylococcus aureus bacteria by the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology at the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. The efficacy of LIFX Clean antibacterial smart light against other types of bacteria is still being tested. 

A major disadvantage of HEV antibacterial smart lights is that they take a few hours for disinfection. UV-C light can disinfect surfaces in a matter of seconds, but HEV light takes at least a couple of hours to reduce bacteria significantly. Homeowners may have to keep the LIFX Clean germicidal smart bulb on overnight for achieving 99.99% efficacy. Also, its effectiveness will be determined by how close the light source is to the surface. The closer is the light to a surface, the better it will be at preventing bacterial growth. The farther away the LIFX Clean antibacterial smart light is from a surface, the longer you will have to run it for achieving the optimum effect. LIFX Clean not only disinfects surfaces but works on bacteria in the surrounding air. While you can’t wipe the air, you can use the germicidal smart bulb to reduce bacteria growth.

While HEV light is less intense than UV light, there are concerns regarding its effect on eyes and sleep patterns. It is deemed similar to the blue light emitted by LCD screens. For the same, LIFX Clean antibacterial smart light has been subjected to safety testing by IEC and UL Verification Services and meets the IEC 62471 photobiological safety standard. 

Using LIFX Clean Antibacterial Smart Lights

As LIFX Clean is a standalone antibacterial smart light, you can install it anywhere. It can be used in lamps, fixtures, under cabinets, or anyplace that has a bulb socket. Install it under kitchen cabinets for making your kitchen tops more hygienic or use it in a study lamp for disinfecting wallets, keys, smartphones, and other items. It is excellent for downlights in areas where you want to contain bacteria. As it is a smart light bulb that disinfects your home, you can set a schedule to automatically turn its HEV mode on at night and switch it off in the morning.

LIFX Clean germicidal smart bulb can be an excellent product for bathrooms, which are a breeding ground for bacteria. It can be used in place of regular bulbs for making bathroom surfaces hygienic by reducing bacterial growth. Areas such as shoe cabinets or garages will be ideal candidates for LIFX Clean. Computer keyboards are known to harbor a large number of bacteria. Therefore, you can use the LIFX Clean antibacterial smart light over your work desk to decrease bacteria growth and improve hygiene. 

While LIFX Clean is marketed as an antibacterial product, there are no claims made regarding its antiviral properties. The manufacturer has not yet finished testing its efficacy in reducing viruses like the Coronavirus. Therefore, the effectiveness of LIFX Clean in eradicating virus growth is not yet established. Please don’t buy it thinking that it will safeguard against Covid-19.

Germicidal Smart Bulb Alternatives

Xiaomi FIVE

There are a few other antibacterial smart lights similar to LIFX Clean. These include the Xiaomi FIVE smart sterilization lamp, Philips UV lamps, and various products from other generic brands. Almost all of them use UV-C light (in the range of 100-280nm) for disinfecting surfaces. While UV-C light is effective at eradicating bacteria and viruses, it is dangerous for humans and animals. UV-C germicidal smart bulbs must be used by people who are trained to handle them. These lights can cause severe injuries to eyes and skin if they are not shielded. To use a UV-C smart light bulb that disinfects your home, you will have to leave the room before switching it on. Even the Xiaomi FIVE smart sterilization lamp comes with a motion sensor that switches off the light as soon as it detects movement. It uses a 32W Philips UV lamp rated for up to 9,000 hours. You can control Xiaomi Five germicidal smart bulbs remotely through the app.

LIFX Clean antibacterial smart light is a viable alternative that is safe for humans and animals. While it takes longer to disinfect surfaces, you can use it without having to keep an eye on children or pets. On the flip side, its efficacy to eradicate viruses has not yet been proven. Although it won’t wipe kitchen tabletops or packages for you, it will reduce the growth rate of bacteria. LIFX Clean smart light bulb that disinfects your home can aid in keeping it clean and hygienic. LIFX Clean germicidal smart bulb will cost around $70 and become available for purchase later this year.

Lifx Clean: